You see your toothbrush every day and at this point it’s boring. You probably think you know everything about your toothbrush and maybe you do.
Most people don’t know everything they ought to about toothbrushes and how to use them, so please, consider these facts the next time you use your toothbrush.
Use Soft Bristles
We are programed to believe that if a little bit of something is good, a lot must be great! When considering toothbrushes, many people think, “If soft bristles are able to do a good job of keeping my teeth clean, stiff bristles must be amazing at it!” This is not true. In fact, stiff bristled brushes are often damaging to teeth. The enamel on your teeth can be damaged by stiff bristled tooth brushes.
Not only are soft bristles the way to go but light pressure is the appropriate method of brushing your teeth. All you are trying to do when brushing your teeth is sweep away bacterial buildup on their surfaces. Its good to massage the gums a bit in the brushing process as well. When you consider that bacteria are pretty tiny, you start to realize how easy it can be to keep them in check.
Buying Guide
So many toothbrushes come with flashy gimmicks like rubberized massager’s, angular heads, and different length bristles. For the most part, it’s safe to assume that these are gimmicks. There is nothing wrong with plain toothbrushes, they work just fine.
Know Your Audience
Buying for your kids? Make sure you consider how cool that superhero toothbrush is, because that thing represents money in the bank! If you can get your kids into a positive oral hygiene routine, you could end up saving a lot of money in dental bills. You could also end up saving their teeth!
Please contact us if you have any questions about your toothbrush.