tooth decay

Can Chewing Gum Improve Your Concentration?

Can Chewing Gum Improve Your Concentration?

Chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to clean your teeth between brushing, so it serves an important role in your oral health regimen. However, there are other benefits that might have you popping in a piece of gum as well, such as improving your concentration....

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Are you at High Risk for Tooth Decay?

Are you at High Risk for Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is something we all try to avoid, but sometimes it just happens. Luckily, there are certain ways that we can prevent it from occurring in excessive amounts. Take a look at the following habits to see if you are at risk for tooth decay because of your own...

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Dental Crowns 101

Dental Crowns 101

As our teeth age, problems may arise that cannot be solved with fillings. One of the most common procedures in dentistry is the use of dental crowns. A crown is a cover that is carefully shaped like a tooth and placed over your existing tooth, which has been badly...

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