How Dental Implants Work
Dental implants are the closest option to natural teeth, offering both the look and functionality you desire. At Gregorin Dental, we’re dedicated to providing you with a seamless dental implant experience that restores your smile and confidence.
A dental implant consists of three key components:
- Titanium Rod: This is the foundation of the implant, securely placed into the jawbone, acting like a natural tooth root. Titanium is biocompatible, meaning it’s well-accepted by the body, reducing the risk of infection. While ceramic rods are available, titanium remains the most common choice due to its durability and success rate.
- Abutment: This part connects the titanium rod to the dental prosthesis, serving as a support structure for the final restoration.
- Dental Prosthesis: The final component is the dental prosthesis, typically a custom-made crown. This is designed to match your natural teeth in color and shape, ensuring a seamless and natural appearance.
The dental implant process begins with an initial consultation and a thorough examination. This includes x-rays and an evaluation of your overall health to create a personalized tooth restoration plan. Depending on the condition of your jawbone, bone grafting may be necessary before proceeding.
Steps Involved:
- Initial Consultation: Discuss your goals and undergo a comprehensive examination.
- Implant Placement: The titanium rods are surgically placed into your jawbone.
- Healing Period: A 4-6 month healing window allows for osseointegration, where the bone naturally fuses with the implant.
- Final Restoration: Once healing is complete, the custom dental prosthesis is attached to the abutment, completing your new smile.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
For more information about dental veneers such as how to take care of your veneers or understand if they’re right for you, call us today! Experience the difference of uncompromised dental care with Gregorin Dental, your trusted Anchorage dentist.